Ep 50: Rebekah's Moses-Like Deliverer Gen 24 Part 1

As Abraham's servant goes to find a bride of Isaac, instresting similarities are created between him and Moses. This end-cap on the Abraham story works to solidify the hope and expectations of the reader.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 49: The Problem of Evil and Creation Ex Materia

The problem of evil is an issue for many Christians. In this episode, we will see how creation ex materia can give very helpful insight into the problem of evil and Theodicy.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 48: Creation Ex Materia and God's Sovereignty

Creation from pre-existent material raises questions about God's sovereignty and preeminence over creation. But did the Biblical authors have these issues in mind? How did they think about them?

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 47: The Origin of Creation Ex Nihilo

When and how was the doctrine of creation ex nihilo developed? Why was it formulated? We will have to look to the apologists of the second century for the birth of this doctrine.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 46: Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation Ex Materia?

We dive into some key Biblical texts that inform the doctrine of creation equipped with knowledge of the original culture and language.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 45: Sarah’s Burial and Hoodwinking Hittites Gen 23

Gen 23 presents the reader with an odd story about a business transaction Abraham has with some Hittites. Why is this story here and what sort of send-off does Sarah get?

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 44: Creation Myths in the Ancient Near East

The myths of Israel's neighbors can be a very helpful tool for getting us back into the mindset of the original readers of the Bible. This episode will discuss a few key points of ANE creation myths and how they inform our study and doctrine of creation.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 43: Abraham's Near-Atoning Son Gen 22

What is the significance of Isaac's near sacrifice? This story is packed full of literary links that connect it to larger themes of atonement that run throughout the Torah.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 42: Does God Test His People? Gen 22:1

The topic of God's testing can be difficult or confusing. In this episode, we address the nuances of Biblical testing and how God interacts with us through it.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 41: Abimelech's Covenant & Abraham's Second Call Gen 21:2-22:2

Abimelech has seen Yahweh's blessings on Abraham and wants to be part of his community. These new covenant partners maintain unity through strife. Abraham is then called to a test that mirrors his initial call to Canaan.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 40: Isaac's Birth and Ishmael's Exile, Another Two-Goats Pattern Gen 21:1-21

The Two-Goat's pattern of the Day of Atonement continues in Abraham's chosen and non-chosen sons. The pattern is completed for Ishmael, which also completes Hagar's earlier inverted Exodus.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 39: Sarah's Exodus from Righteous Abimelech Gen 20

The Exodus pattern appears again, but this time the oppressor is a righteous man who continues the concern for Yahweh's righteousness found in Abraham's intercessions for Sodom.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 38: Typology: Biblical Patterns and Expectations

Typology is a very important concept for Biblical interpretation but can be difficult to grasp and appropriately use. This episode explains what Typology is, where it comes from, and the ways in which, through Typology, Yahweh's patterns of redemption shape our past and future hope.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 37 (Bonus): The Gospel of Thomas: Composition

This second bonus episode on the Gospel of Thomas explores it relation to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). The question of who infuenced who is a very important question in the study of the Gospel of Thomas and can help us understand which gospel accounts best portrays Jesus.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 36: Lot's Exodus from Sodom Gen 19 Part 2

Lot and his family receive exodus from Sodom, but his family must follow him as he follows Yahweh's Servants. Lot also has his final fall moment after his exodus, which places him in the Goat for Azazel slot of the Two-Goats pattern.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 35 (Bonus): The Gospel of Thomas: Ideas and Origin

The Gospel of Thomas is an often misunderstood book by both lay people and scholars alike. After introducing the book, this episode attempts to shed some light on some of its more popular ideas and its origin.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 34: Lot's Exodus from Sodom Gen 19 Part 1

We find Lot living in Sodom, showing meager hospitality to Yahweh's servants. His parody of the Passover is explored as well as the characterization of Sodom in light of Abraham's recent intercession.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 33: Abrhams Intercession for Sodom Gen 18:22-19:3

Abraham is welcomed into Yahweh’s divine council as Yahweh informs him of the plan to judge Sodom. Abraham is then able to discuss Yahweh’s standard of justice with him.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 32: Yahweh Comes to Abraham Gen 18:1-21

On his way to verify the bad report of Sodom and Gomorrah, Yahweh comes to Abraham in the form of a human traveler. During this encounter, Sarah is able to hear Yahweh’s promise of pregnancy herself.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 31: Genesis 1-17 Summary

We recap the narrative of Genesis up to chapter 17. We discuss some of the things we have learned thus far and where some significant narrative motifs have appeared.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats