Ep 80: Looking to God's Promises Gen 50

The book of Genesis comes to a close with a final unification of the brothers, a reminder of the purpose of the coming serpent crusher, and two patriarchs of Israel fixing their hopes firmly on the promises of God.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

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Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 79: Reading Jacob's Blessing Gen 49

How is Jacob’s speech at the end of Genesis supposed to be understood? In this episode we address this seemingly cryptic chapter and explain how it is to be read and how it does and doesn’t point to our future hope in the King from Judah.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 78: Blessing Ephraim, Becoming Israel Gen 48

Just as Isaac blindly blessed his younger son, so Jacob, whose eyes have gone dim, adopts and blesses the sons of Joseph, giving preeminence to the youngest. To the surprise of many readers, the blessing of Abraham seems to pass to Ephraim.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 77: Exodus to Egypt, Delivered by Joseph Gen 46-47

Joseph is finally reunited with his father after he has tested and proven his brothers. The family of Israel is given deliverance down to Egypt and Jacob is promised yet another deliverance by God.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 76: Joseph’s Test and Reconciliation Gen 43-45

Joseph heightens the tension of his test to see if his brothers are willing to abandon Benjamin. However, the brothers maintain solidarity with Benjamin and Joseph brings about a reunification of the family.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 75: Joseph Tests His Brother Gen 42

After his exaltation, Joseph tests his brothers. Genesis 42 causes us to consider the question: are the brothers still the kind of men who will abandon another brother for silver?

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 74: New Testament Use of the Prophets

The way the New Testament authors do and don’t use Old Testament prophecy can be very instructive for our reading of the prophets. As we explore prophetic fulfillment in the Gospels, we let the New Testament teach us how to read the Prophets.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 73: Interpreting the Prophets

The prophets are read through a variety of lenses. However, only by reading the prophets according to the author(s)’ intensions within their cultural setting are we able to properly read them.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

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Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 72: Joseph as New Adam Gen 40-41

Genesis 40-41 sees the end of Joseph’s exile and his exaltation to a kingly priestly status. Joseph is portrayed as a new Adam, giving a fitting resolution to the tensions introduced at the beginning of Genesis and providing a picture of the chosen one yet to come.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 71: Joseph’s Exile and Further Exile Gen 39

in Genesis 37, Joseph rose to power within his family. But then he was stripped of his robes, his robes were used to lie to his father, and he was sent into exile. Joseph will face a test in Genesis 39 before these elements play on repeat.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 70: The Mixed Multitude, the Exodus, and Israel’s Deliverance with Aaron Sherwood

Aaron Sherwood’s doctoral work traces the pattern of the mixed multitude throughout the Hebrew Bible and Paul’s theology. We discuss the significance of this these and its relationship to the exodus pattern that shapes our final hope in Jesus. Aaron dissertation is published as “Paul and The Restoration of Humanity in Light of Ancient Jewish Traditions”.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 69: Hardening and the Meaning of Romans with Aaron Sherwood Part 2

In this episode, Aaron Sherwood walks us through the main argument of Romans 9 in its historical, literary, and Old Testament context. The perspective he brings gives particularly helpful insight into the topic of hardening. Aaron has written on Paul’s use of the Old Testament in Romans 9 and its implications for its argument (The Word of God Has Not Failed) and a commentary on Romans.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 68: Hardening and the Meaning of Romans with Aaron Sherwood Part 1

In this episode, Aaron Sherwood walks us through the main argument of Romans 9 in its historical, literary, and Old Testament context. The perspective he brings gives particularly helpful insight into the topic of hardening. Aaron has written on Paul’s use of the Old Testament in Romans 9 and its implications for its argument (The Word of God Has Not Failed) and a commentary on Romans.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 67: Refinement and Foreshadowing Gen 38

The story of Judah and Tamar is often thought to be out of place in the middle of the Joseph story. However, this scene of the Genesis narrative sets up the plot for the rest of Joseph’s story while also foreshadowing it through Tamar.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 66: The Chosen Nuisance Gen 37

Joseph is often portrayed as the innocent victim of his brothers’ plot. While is a victim, the text does not portray him as innocent. Much like his father, he must grow as he is placed in new occurrences of the Exodus motif and the Two-Goats motif.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 65: Esau's Genealogy and Exodus Gen 36

Esau’s genealogy is the longest of the non-elect brothers of Genesis. The author has put subtle literary elements within this genealogy, giving the reader a window into how Yahweh interacts with these non-elect families.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 64: Benjamin's Birth and Rebekah's Death Gen 35:16-29

As Jacob’s story wraps up, there seems to be a rapid succession of random events. But each of these events resolves tensions from earlier in the narrative or prepares the reader for the next story.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 63: Dinah's Exodus and Jacob's Vow Gen 34:1-35:15

Due to Jacob’s neglect of his vow, Dinah needs an exodus similar to those of Sarah and Rebekah, though this exodus is as upside down as the rest of the Jacob story. After this exodus, Jacob will finally be ready to fulfill the vows he made at the beginning of his exile.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 62: Wrestling with Esau, Wrestling with God, Gen 32-33 Part 2

We continue the conversation about Jacob’s dread of Esau and see how Jacob’s wrestling with Yahweh plays into his deliverance.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats

Ep 61: Wrestling with Esau, Wrestling with God Gen 32-33 Part 1

As Jacob re-enters Canaan, he faces a potential conflict with Esau and a wrestling match with God. These two conflict and their resolutions are tied closely together.

Email us your questions and comments! thebibleincontextpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube - The Bible in Context Podcast

Spotify - The Bible in Context Podcast

Apple Podcasts - The Bible in Context Podcast


Passages read from the ESV by Crossway 2001

Music: Royal by Slenderbeats